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More About Me

My Story

I know how hard it can be to turn your life around, change your habits, and reach your goals.

After I was told by my doctor that I was pre-diabetic, I began to eat healthier and started with some light exercise at home. I noticed an immediate improvement to my energy levels, sleep, and mental health.

I also began watching the TV show “American Ninja Warrior”, and I was inspired by the athletes’ stories about the fun they had in training. Still being mostly out of shape and not very coordinated, I continued doing light exercise at home and doing group classes a few times a week. In a few months I was going on my own additional times per week, following a basic workout program and throwing in some fun mobility activities.

Creating new habits from scratch was a challenging endeavor, particularly when pursued independently. The guidance of experienced coaches was instrumental in accelerating my progress, and their presence made the journey much more enjoyable. Armed with this knowledge, I am now committed to assisting others in their journeys, simplifying the process to achieve the benefits that I have realized.


Before Picture of Steve


Steve Mitchell Personal Trainer Pose

Certifications and Education

  • American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer

ACE Certified Logo
  • BCRPA Fitness Leader Certified Personal Trainer

BCRPA Registered Fitness Leader Logo
  • FMC1: Functional Movement Coaching

  • Currently Enrolled in the Kinesiology program at Langara College

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